You always have the right to prohibit direct marketing at your own discretion. You can issue a direct marketing prohibition in the S Group co-op member and customer register so that we will not send you any marketing communications or use your personal data to target content. In other words, a direct marketing prohibition will also prevent us from sending the Yhteishyvä magazine to the main member of your co-op member household, as well as email messages indicating the Bonus status. If you want to receive Bonus data but no direct marketing, for example, you can limit the messages you want to receive in more detail.
You can control communication by providing different permission and prohibition information:
- By giving us an email marketing permission, you allow us to send marketing messages from the S Group and the S Group’s cooperation partners by email.
- By giving us a marketing permission for a mobile device (mobile telephone) you allow us to send marketing messages to your mobile phone or other mobile device, such as text or picture messages from the S Group and the S Group’s cooperation partners.
- If you do not want to give us an email marketing permission, but would like to receive marketing messages via email from S Group chains of your choice, you can subscribe to newsletters.
- A prohibition of telephone marketing prevents traditional telemarketing, in other words, marketing calls. We also take into account any prohibitions of phone marketing submitted by you through the Robinson register maintained by ASML.
- A prohibition of separate direct post prevents other forms of direct marketing by post.
- A communication prohibition prevents the sending of emails related to co-op member benefits, such as email messages indicating the Bonus status.
- A communication prohibition on membership and co-op household prevents the sending of email messages on your co-op membership, such as messages on the current status of your co-op contribution, elections of the cooperative’s Council of Representatives and any changes to the structure of your co-op household.
- A prohibition on product review communications prevents email requests to review products you have purchased.
- A prohibition of research surveys prevents all kinds of opinion polls and marketing surveys, such as customer satisfaction surveys and customer panel surveys.
- A direct marketing prohibition prevents direct marketing and the targeting of content. However, those who have issued a direct marketing prohibition may still receive materials on the elections of the cooperative’s Council of Representatives meant for all members who are entitled to vote and any customer bulletins on severe product faults that are a danger to our customers’ lives or health.
You can update your permission and prohibition information by logging into the S User Account at, by visiting a customer service point (available in the largest Prisma and Sokos stores), by using the feedback channel or by calling the S Group co-op member service at +358 10 76 5858 (Mon–Fri from 9 am to 4 pm, call rates € 0,084 per minute).