We use customer groupings and profiling to analyse sales, to develop and plan our services and product selection, as well as to target our marketing and content.
When calculating customer groupings, we use the customer data we have in the S Group co-op member and customer register. Such data may include your basic data (such as year of birth, duration of customer relationship and domicile), purchase data at the level of purchase events or at the product level, and usage data collected from online stores and digital services, such as the S-mobiili mobile app.
We use a variety of calculation methods and logics when calculating the customer groupings. These may be based on the customers’ purchase behaviour or more complex mathematical models. The purpose of the customer groupings is to anticipate your needs, purchase behaviour or characteristics related to a specific phase of life.
For example, your customer groupings may indicate whether you are an S-mobiili user, what kind of groceries you purchase and what kind of a Sokos/ABC customer you are.
To check your own customer groupings, please log into your Oma S-kanava at www.s-kanava.fi/kirjaudu. You will find your customer groupings under Omat tiedot (My data) > Tarkasta rekisteritietosi (View your register data).